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Posts published in “Poems”

In The Evening

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The garden rang with music Of inexpressible despair. A dish of oysters spread on ice Smelled like the ocean, fresh and sharp. He told me: “I’m a faithful friend!”- And…

In Memory of M. B.

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Here is my gift, not roses on your grave, not sticks of burning incense. You lived aloof, maintaining to the end your magnificent disdain. You drank wine, and told the…

In Dream

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Black and enduring separation I share equally with you. Why weep? Give me your hand, Promise me you will come again. You and I are like high Mountains and we…

I Wrung My Hands

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I wrung my hands under my dark veil. . . “Why are you pale, what makes you reckless?” – Because I have made my loved one drunk with an astringent…

I Saw My Friend At The Front Door

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I saw my friend to the front door I stood in the golden dust. Momentous sounds issued From the little belfry close by. Tossed! Such a made-up word- What am…

I hear the oriole’s always-grieving voice

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I hear the oriole’s always-grieving voice, And the rich summer’s welcome loss I hear In the sickle’s serpentine hiss Cutting the corn’s ear tightly pressed to ear. And the short…

I Have No Use For Odic Legions

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I have no use for odic legions, Or for the charm of elegiac play For me, all verse should be off kilter Not the usual way. If only you knew…

I have come to take your place, sister

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‘I have come to take your place, sister, At the high fire in the forest’s heart. Your eyes have grown dull, your tears cloudy, Your hair is gray. You don’t…

I Don’t Know If You’re Alive Or Dead

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I don’t know if you’re alive or dead. Can you on earth be sought, Or only when the sunsets fade Be mourned serenely in my thought? All is for you:…

How Many Demands…

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How many demands the beloved can make! The woman discarded, none. How glad I am that today the water Under the colorless ice is motionless. And I stand – Christ…